Parks & Recreation
Fee Schedule

Updated July 1, 2023

Facility Rental:
     Knotts Island$200.00per day
     Maple Athletic Complex - Baseball/Softball Fields$200.00per field/per day
     Maple Athletic Complex - Soccer Fields$200.00per field/per day
     Maple Park$300.00per day
     Maple Skate Park$200.00per day
     Picnic Shelter:
          1/2 day (4 hours)$25.00
          Full day (8 hours)$50.00
     Shingle Landing$500.00per day
     Sound Park$500.00per day
     Veteran's Memorial Park$200.00per day
     Walnut Island Park$200.00per day
Field Fees:
     Field Fees - Soccer, Baseball/Softball, Tennis Courts$25.001/2 day - does not include staff, security or clean-up charges
     Field Fees - Soccer, Baseball/Softball, Tennis Courts$50.00daily - does not include staff, security or clean-up charges
     Field Set-up Fees - Baseball/Softball$50.00per field - does not include staff, security or clean-up charges
     Field Set-up Fees - Soccer$75.00per field - does not include staff, security or clean-up charges
Recreation Team Sports:
     Adult Softball (men and women)$250.00per team
     Adult Basketball$200.00per team
     Adult Non-Resident Fee$80.00per adult player
     Youth Basketball$40.00per player/$80 family maximum
     Youth Cheerleading$40.00per player/$80 family maximum
     Youth Flag Football$40.00per player/$80 family maximum
     Youth Soccer (Fall and Spring)$40.00per player/$80 family maximum
     Youth Tackle Football$40.00per player/$80 family maximum
     Youth T-Ball/Baseball/Softball$40.00per player/$80 family maximum
     Youth Volleyball$40.00per player/$80 family maximum
     Non-Resident Youth Fee$80.00per youth player
     Tournament Admission Fees - Under 5 & ParticipantNo Charge
     Tournament Admission Fees - Ages 6 -12$3.00Not participating in sport
     Tournament Admission Fees - 13 and up$5.00Not participating in sport
     County providedCost + 100% to 300%
     County contractedTBD by concession agreement with vendor
Recreation Staff:
     Staff for Events (if required) - Park Attendant $25.00per hour
     Staff for Events (if required) - Park Superintendent $25.00per hour
     Staff for Events (if required) - Recreation Director $35.00per hour
     Staff for Events (if required) - Recreation Specialist$25.00per hour

Daily Inspections Schedule

Some Services in Our Corolla Office
Unavailable Due to Staff Shortages

Effective Immediately, until further notice: the Permit Technician and Planner will not be available at the Corolla Office. However, a Building Inspector will still be available to perform inspections and answer code related questions.

Please note the following options:

  • Online Services: You can apply for permits and make payments using our online permitting system, “Citizen Self Service,” available below.
  • Payments: Payments cannot be accepted at this office during this time. Please use the online permitting system.
  • Document Submission: You can submit your documents via email at
  • Meetings: If you need to schedule a meeting with a planner, we encourage the use of Microsoft Teams.

For assistance, please contact the Mainland Permit Office at 252-232-3378.

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and patience.

Citizen Self Service

Citizen Self Service is now open to allow the user to access their building permits online and to apply for specific building permits, view inspection results and pay for fees with a credit card.

To access the Citizen Self Service program a username and password is required. If you would like to self register for an account please visit  Currituck County Citizen Self Service online program.

Once you have created your account you will be able to search and view building permits however to use the system for applying for building permits your account needs to be linked by our staff with a Customer ID (CID). You will see a notice when you try to apply for a permit “Contact Us” we will need the following information:

  • User Name
  • First and Last name
  • Company Name
  • Address
  • Phone number

We will set up your account and notify you so you may use the system fully.

For help with the Citizens Self Service program take a moment to review our User Guide.

Informal Internal Review

Per G.S. 160A-412 and G.S. 153A-352, each inspection department shall implement a process for an Informal Internal Review of inspection decisions made by the department’s inspectors. The Internal Review Form for requesting an Informal Internal Review is available in our inspection office or online.

For more information on the internal review process, please call our main number at 252-232-3378.

Ocean Sands Water
& Sewer District

Important Announcement for
Currituck Utility Customers

Directional Signs that state Important Announcement and Utility Customers

New Payment Office Location

To better serve the citizens of Currituck County we have moved our payment office to:

2878 Caratoke Highway,
Currituck, North Carolina 27929.

Please continue mailing utility bills to PO Box 220, Currituck, NC 27929.

Our new facility offers a full-service drive-thru window and night drop. The night drop box is located at the back of the building.

For more information or to schedule an appointment please call 252-232-2769.

Ocean Sands properties are currently served by the Ocean Sands Water/Sewer District (OSWSD). This system will become part of the Southern Outer Banks Water System, but currently retains a separate rate and fee schedule.

Currituck County provides sanitary sewer service for over 1,000 sewer connections in the Ocean Sands development.  This service, established through the Ocean Sands Water and Sewer District, can treat 500,000 gallons per day of wastewater at the Ocean Sands Wastewater Treatment Plant.  The treatment plant was constructed in 1976 and will be replaced by a newer facility that will treat 600,000 gallons per day by Summer 2019.

Over 7 miles of underground piping and 8 lift stations make up the Ocean Sands wastewater collection system. Wastewater from homes flow through these pipes by gravity to a pump station.  The pump station then pumps it to the wastewater treatment plant where it gets treated and disposed.  Currituck County is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the collection system up to the homeowner’s property line.

The Currituck County Water Department administrative office provides billing and administrative services for the Ocean Sands Water/Sewer District.

The sewer treatment facilities are owned and operated by Currituck County Government.

Areas Served:

  • Ocean Sands subdivision, in the following sections:
    D, E, F, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q
  • Crown Point

As of May 2017, the system has 999 active connections.

Ocean Sands Water and Sewer District (OSWSD) Mast Plan Update – August 2008

The Master Plan update evaluates the infrastructure needs to meet the build out water and sewer demands for the existing OSWSD and the undeveloped areas of Ocean Sands under the following scenarios:

  • Alternative 1: Sections G and T are integrated into the OSWSD.
  • Alternative 2: Sections G and T develop separately and must meet their own water and sewer needs separate from the OSWSD.
Ocean Sands Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade – January 2017

Upgrade of the existing treatment plant will be completed by January 2019.

Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan for the Currituck County Southern Outer Banks – June 2011

Historically, wastewater on the Outer Banks has been managed by individual subdivisions. Due to
the challenges and concerns, Currituck County and Outer Banks Ventures (OBV) have decided to
evaluate the potential for regionalizing wastewater management on the Currituck Southern Outer
Banks. The purpose of this Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan is to evaluate the feasibility of
a regional wastewater utility to serve the Currituck Southern Outer Banks.

Unified Development Ordinance, Zoning Map & Planning Manuals

Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)

The purpose of the Unified Development Ordinance (PDF) is to protect the

  • public health
  • safety
  • and general welfare

of the citizens and landowners of Currituck County; and to implement the policies and objectives of county-adopted plans addressing the county’s growth and development.

Currituck County current Unified Development Ordinance was last amended on June 7, 2024.

Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendments

The following ordinances have recently been adopted by the Board of Commissioners but have not yet been incorporated into the published Unified Development.

PB 24-16 Walton & Ginger Morris:
Request for an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Chapter 4. Use Standards and Chapter 10. Definitions and Measurement, to increase the number of special events from 4 to 10 and amend the definition of special event.
Adopted:  July 15, 2024
Text Amendment (PDF)

Zoning Map

The zoning map represents zoning designations as listed in the Currituck County Unified Development Ordinance and approved by the Board of Commissioners.  For property specific zoning information, the Interactive Online Mapping should be accessed.

Administrative Manual

The administrative manual (PDF) is intended to assist in the administration of the Unified Development Ordinance.  The manual consolidates information in the development review process and helps applicants understand the procedures and requirements.  In an effort to ease the review process, the manual also includes:

  • application forms,
  • review checklists,
  • and submittal and fee schedules.
Stormwater Manual

The stormwater manual (PDF) is intended to provide guidance in appropriate BMP selection, design criteria to meet stormwater regulations, and proper BMP maintenance.  The manual also includes:

  • required forms,
  • submittal checklists for stormwater plans,
  • and guidance for determining runoff rates.

*Note: the items under the Design Checklists is in Excel.

Notice for Bidders for
Ocean Sands North & Crown Point Phase I, Segments 1 & 2 Improvement Project Rebid

Sealed bids will be received by Currituck County at the Currituck County Historic Courthouse, Board of Commissioners Meeting Room, Second Floor, 153 Courthouse Road, Currituck, North Carolina 27929, until 2:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (EST) on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, and immediately thereafter publicly opened and read for the furnishing of labor, materials and equipment entering into the construction of:

Ocean Sands North & Crown Point Phase 1
Segments 1 & 2 Improvement Project

This is a rebid for this project.

The Project consists of:

  • trench excavation;
  • support of excavation and dewatering;
  • support and protection of existing utilities;
  • furnishing and installing transmission piping and appurtenances, construction of the discharge basin, backfill;
  • and all incidental work necessary to construct and complete the work as indicated on the plans and as specified.

An alternate bid item for additional work consists of the installation of approximately 835 feet of 18-inch diameter HPDE transmission main in Currituck County, North Carolina.

Sealed bids may also be mailed to Crystal Owens, Contract Purchasing Agent, Currituck County, 153 Courthouse Road, Suite 101, Currituck, North Carolina, 27929. It is the Bidder’s responsibility however, to ensure that its’ bid is received at the bid opening location.

Bids shall be lump sum base bids with alternates based upon the scope of work defined in the Contract Documents, Plans and Specifications.

Complete plans and specifications in digital (pdf) format for this project can be obtained from:

Crystal Owens, Contract Purchasing Agent
252-232-6000, ext. 4020

Each bid shall be accompanied by a cash deposit or a certified check drawn on a bank or trust company authorized to do business in North Carolina, payable to the County of Currituck, in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid, as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into. In lieu of cash or a certified check, the Bidder may submit a bid bond in the form prescribed in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-129.

The Successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a performance bond and a payment bond for one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount.

No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids for a period of 30 days.

All bidders must meet the licensing requirements under Chapter 87 of the N.C. General Statutes. Small Business Entities, Women Owned Businesses, Minority Owned Businesses, Veteran and Service-disabled Veteran Owned Businesses are encouraged to submit bids.

The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities, as it may deem to be in its best interest.

Pre-Bid Meeting

A Pre-Bid Meeting will not be held..


Concerns and or questions should be related in writing to Crystal Owens, Contract Purchasing Agent at no later than 10:00 a.m.. on Thursday, February 22, 2024

All questions requiring additional information will be responded to in an addendum no later than Friday, February 23, 2024. All addenda shall become part of the Contract Documents.

Important Dates
Public Notice:   
Pre-Bid Meeting:
Questions Due:
Addenda Due:
Bid Opening:
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Thursday, February 22, 2024  |  10:00 a.m.
Friday, February 23, 2024
Wednesday, February 28, 2024  |  2:00 p.m.